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40 for 40: LionHeart’s Arctic Service

40 for 40: LionHeart’s Arctic Service

LionHeart Responds to 40 emergency calls in 40 hours…

Now that we’ve all thawed out, we’re excited to share our story of success during Chicago’s arctic storm this winter. If only we had the production crew of ESPN here to capture it…

As with all heroic stories, our’s began with significant preparation. In the days leading up to the impending winter storm, the LionHeart Logistics Team re-organized schedules, locations, and multiple contingency dispatch plans that could handle any major road shut-down or vast critical power issue caused by the impending icy temperatures.

As the freezing temps rolled in at the very end of January, LionHeart’s phones began to ring. It didn’t take long for one emergency call to become ten and for ten to become twenty…

The Field Service Team immediately responded to customer sites to resolve issues created by temperatures that exceeded manufactures standard design and installation criteria. 

One Field Service Engineer, recounts one of his visits;

I was dispatched to a large university and found that their crankcase breathers were frozen, gas regulators were completely iced over, and louver motors were frozen open which allowed freezing air to enter the generator room and the building. Working outside in these temperatures can be brutal, but proper planning with enough breaks to periodically warm-up allows us to continue working so the customer can get back online as quickly as possible.

The LionHeart Team stopped at nothing to diagnose and repair client equipment, despite life-threatening temperatures. Office buildings, supermarkets, even the United States Postal Service closed, but LionHeart trucks were still rolling!

A standard interview question at LionHeart is “Do you have the first responder mentality?” In situations like this I’m glad we chose the individuals who responded with a confident, “yes!”.


When the sub-zero temperatures retreated, the LionHeart team began to review their contingency planning, dispatching and service performance – it was then that we realized we had responded and resolved over 40 emergency calls throughout Illinois, Wisconsins and Indiana in just 40 hours.

A quick pat on the back was given by all, and then the LionHeart Team was back to achieving our very focused mission…. “No organization will ever be at risk due to the failure of their critical power systems.”


Up next:

LionHeart offers the expertise to keep your fire pump system in peak condition. When it comes to fire pump maintenance, repair, upgrades, and emergency service response, we are well-regarded as the best in the business. Contact us at 844-LHPOWER for more information.
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